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COVID-19 Response

Pandemic Response Challenge Program

  • This program developed by the National Research Council is meant to bring together domestic and international researchers and experts to escalate COVID-19 related research to be able to address the lingering knowledge gaps regarding the virus in order to effectively protect and treat Canadians.
  • This page discusses the focus of the program, the opportunities for universities, colleges, non-profits, and other organizations to get involved and the future of the progr

Canada's Actions to Fight COVID-19

  • This page outlines the Canadian Government's response to COVID-19 including: the principles that helped guide the response, federal spending, communication to the public, travel supports/information, investments in research, provincial and territorial collaboration, Indigenous collaboration, testing, surveillance, health supplies, international partnerships, and more.

Report to Canadians 2020

  • This report presents the highlights of the work that took place within the House of Commons by the Members of Parliament throughout the period of April 1st, 2019–March 31, 2020.
  • The aim of the report is to bridge the gap between the public and parliamentary activities and to increase transparency within parliament.
  • The report discusses details about the current Members of Parli

The Canadian Government in a Crisis

  • This document outlines the change in government beginning March 13th, 2020, to suspend Parliamentary sittings as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which later developed into Parliament meeting in smaller and virtual groups, along with the formation of the special COVID-19 committee.
  • Although the suspension of sitting Parliament proposed challenges, Government spending needed to continue.

ParlAmericas during COVID-19

  • This publication by ParlAmericas, which is a composition of the national legislatures of 35 independent states, discusses the global health and socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the changing parliamentary landscape throughout the pandemic, and the role of parliament during a health crisis.
  • The report highlights the various approaches taken by governments around the world to tackle COVID-19 and gives a detailed account of their shared responsibility t

Early COVID-19 Response

  • This news release from the Prime Minister outlines some of the first federal communication regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada.
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the government's approach to the pandemic by revealing the $1+ billion COVID-19 Response Fund, which is intended to ensure the proper communication and education is being proliferated to the public, to support the healthcare systems, to provide financial supports to workers who need to quarant

Federal Emergency Response Plan

  • The Federal Emergency Response Plan is the Canadian Government's plan to approach any hazard (or emergency) that requires a federal response or federal assistance to a particular community, province, or territory.
  • This plan was developed in 2011 by Public Safety Canada alongside other federal government institutions in order to facilitate a systematic prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery strategy for the Canadian government during an emergency.