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This series addresses critical issues facing Canada at home and abroad, and the efforts policymakers at all levels of government have made to address a host of complex and multifaceted policy concerns.

A collection of operational histories from firsthand accounts and official narratives, the AOH offer a unique window into the evolution of Canada’s security.

This series showcases research being undertaken in various academic disciplines in the area of public policy and governance.

Canada’s leading maritime security journal, examining questions of safety, security, and defence on the seas from a Canadian perspective

The Brian Mulroney Institute of Government is pleased to announce a new series of Review Essays.

The Year in Reviews showcase the annual activities of the Mulroney Institute and its students, faculty, and Fellows.




As part of its mandate to engage in Canadian policy discussions, the Institute supports the publication of books and edited volumes on subjects related to its core research pillars. These works are open-access with print copies generally available upon request.

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report exploring different types of identity in Canada and attachment to Canada.

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report updating the status of public opinion about support for the process of reconciliation…

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on the level of trust Canadians have in the federal government and their provincial…

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on the level of approval Canadians have in the federal government and in their…

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on views of Canadians on government.

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on opinions of Atlantic Canadians with regard their views on how things are going in…

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on public opinion about support for the rights of Indigenous Peoples in…

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on opinions of Albertans with regard to how their province is treated within the…

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on the levels of confidence that Canadians have in their political leaders, experts,…

The Brian Mulroney Institute of Government and Institute on Governance (IOG) have partnered on Top of Mind, a two-part study designed to provide rare…

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on how Canadians view equalization, one of several major federal transfer programs.

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on the status of federal–provincial and inter-regional…

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on the status of support for government policies on climate change across the provinces and territories.

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on public opinion on efforts to facilitate and achieve reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people…

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released two reports on the COVID-19 pandemic: All in This Together?

As part of the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government’s efforts to generate timely and relevant policy research, the Institute has…

This volume seeks to understand the concept of Whole of Government (WoG) as it applies to activities in the Canadian Arctic from a comprehensive “3D” (defence-diplomacy-development)…

Special Publications

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report exploring different types of identity in Canada and attachment to Canada.

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report updating the status of public opinion about support for the process of reconciliation…

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on the level of trust Canadians have in the federal government and their provincial…

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on the level of approval Canadians have in the federal government and in their…

The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on views of Canadians on government.