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The Inherent Right Policy
  • The Inherent Right Policy was developed in 1995 by the Government of Canada in order to respond to Indigenous demands for self-government.
  • The process to implement Indigenous self-government involved discussions with Indigenous leaders at all levels (local, regional, and national).
  • This led to realization that no one form of government can govern all Indigenous communities, which resulted in several unique self-government agreements across the country, many of which were part of the largest Comprehensive Claims agreements.
  • This publication contains the Canadian government's approach to implement the right to self-government, which includes three sections: Policy Framework, Various Approaches to Self-Government, and Process Issues.

Canada. Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. The Government of Canada's Approach to Implementation of the Inherent Right and the Negotiation of Aboriginal Self-Government. [Hull, Quebec], 2010.

Further Readings
Policy Type
Department Report