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The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal
  • The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal was created by the B.C. Human Rights Code and is responsible for accepting, screening, mediating, and adjudicating human rights complaints while upholding the terms of the Code.
  • The Tribunal give individuals the opportunity to mediate their concern, to dismiss complaints without a hearing, and provide a hearing if the complaint cannot be resolved through other means.

British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. "About us." Government of British Columbia. Accessed August 16, 2022.

Further Readings

For more information on BC Human Right through a legal advice/representation lens:

For BC's Office of the Human Rights Commissioner (separate from the Rights Clinic and Rights Tribunal), which is an independent office of the legislature that promotes human rights in BC through guiding policy and listening to concerns of British Columbians:

Policy Type
Human Rights Commission