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Anti-Semitism (Human Rights)

Raoul Wallenberg Day

  • In 1985, the Canadian government named Mr. Raoul Wallenberg as Canada's first honorary citzen because of his heroism and courage.
  • Mr. Raoul Wallenberg was a Swedish diplomat who, in 1944, saved around 100,000 in six months in Hungary through the creation and granting of "Schutzpasses", which are diplomatic passports used for protective immunity.
  • Mr.

MS St. Louis Affair

  • On May 15, 1939, 900+ German Jews boarded MS St.Louis to seek refuge from Nazi Germany.
  • These passengers, among other Jews at the time, were stripped of all their belongings, forced out of their schools and homes, exiled from their occupations, had their synagogues burned, and we

The Tightest Immigration Admissions Policy in Canadian history (1931)

  • It is widely acknowledged that Canada's immigration policies throughout the 1900's were discriminatory, racist, and antisemitic.
  • This publication by the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 contains copies of three Orders-in-Council that highlight the state of Canadian immigration policies at this time.
  • The first Order-in-Council included in this publication was PC 183 pas

Toronto Mayor Forbids Display of Swastika 1933

  • This publication, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency's archives, provides the newspaper bulletin (Jewish Daily Bulletin) from August 21, 1933, where it was announced by Toronto Mayor William James Stuart that the use of the Swastika would lead to "prosecution to the full extent of the law."
  • This came after the horrors of the Christie Pits riots that took place days earlier and this act is remembered as one of Canada's first policies that prohibited the proliferation

The worst anti-Semitic riot in Canada

  • The Christie Pits riot took place on August 16, 1933, in Toronto, Ontario at Christie San Pits Park and is remembered as one of the worst displays of ethnic violence in Canadian history.
  • The riots began by you Nazi supporters who flew a swastika flag at a public baseball game to provoke Jewish Canadians
  • The riots involved over 10,000 people and proved the deep-rooted anti-semit

History of Canada and the Holocaust

  • While Canada did not directly experience the Holocaust, this Canadian government publication explores the way Canada was impacted by the tragedies of the Holocaust and how Canada contributed to the discrimination and oppression of Jewish people during this time.
  • This publications discusses Canada's wartime policies and immigration policies that primarily marginalized Jewish refugees through internment camps between 1940–1943, the involvement of the Canadian Armed