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The Brian Mulroney Institute of Government is pleased to host a number of events geared toward student engagement and sparking debate on society’s most pressing issues. To do so, the Institute partners with other organizations, hosts meetings, and brings prominent Canadian and international experts StFX to share their unique perspectives on public policy and governance.

Past Events

Wednesday, February 8, 2023 | Mulroney Hall 4032

The Brian Mulroney Institute of Government Fellows Lectures Presents

Challenges of Governance:
The Case for a Marine Council in the Gulf of St. Lawrence

Thursday, January 19, 2023 | Mulroney Hall 2030

The Brian Mulroney Institute of Government Fellows Lectures Presents

Art, Politics, and Caravaggio

Louis Groarke, Department of Philosophy 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 | Mulroney Hall 2032

The Brian Mulroney Institute of Government Distinguished Speakers Series Presents

War in the 21st Century

Gwynne Dyer