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Gradual Civilization Act (1857)
  • The 1857 Gradual Civilization Act, was an act intended to civilize and assimilate Indigenous peoples into European colonial society.
  • This was done through promotion of voluntary enfranchisement, which is a process where individuals or entire bands had the opportunity to gain full Canadian citizenship (along with being awarded property and economic opportunities) only if they chose to forgo their Indian status, and all subsequent rights, completely.
  • There are many ethical challenges with policies like the Gradual Civilization Act, one of which enfranchised wives and children without consent if the husband chose to enfranchise.   

Bill: An Act to encourage the gradual civilization of Indian Tribes in this Province, and to amend the laws relating to Indians. 3rd sess., 5th Parliament, 20 Victoria, 1857.

Policy Type
Federal Statute