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Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
  • In March 2005, President George W. Bush, Prime Minister Paul Martin and President Vincente Fox met at Baylor University in Waco, Texas and jointly announced the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America
  • This agreement was born out of restrictions coming from the 9/11 attacks and was designed to unsure the flow of commerce was not disrupted by new security requirements/policies.
  • The joint statement coming from all three leaders at this meeting was "In a rapidly changing world, we must develop new avenues of cooperation that will make our open societies safer and more secure, our businesses more competitive, and our economies more resilient."

The White House Archives: President George W. Bush. Fact Sheet: Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. Waco, Texas, Office of the Press Secretary, 2005. Press Release,

Further Readings

For more information on the SPP

For the Canadian News Release of this policy pronouncement:

For a Congressional Research Services Report on the SPP:

Overlapping Topics
Military, Defence, and Peacekeeping
Policy Type
Fact Sheet