This page discusses Health Canada's efforts to ensure drugs and vaccines are available to Canadians and health care workers throughout COVID-19.
This page includes information on Health Canada's drug and vaccine regulations, COVID-19 variants, the possible drugs and vaccines to treat COVID-19, clinical trials, market authorizations, the Special Access Program (SAP), and how drug shortages are being addressed.
This resources was created to help health professionals understand the various medical masks and respirators developed to combat COVID-19 and the effectiveness of each type in slowing the spread of the virus
This guidance document was prepared to identify non-pharmaceutical public health measures used to limit the spread of COVID-19 on a community and individual level.
The aim of this guidance is to provide mitigation strategies and measures to be applied to community, workplace and youth settings, along with outdoor spaces and gatherings/events.
This article communicates the detailed list of COVID-19 symptoms, how asymptomatic transmission occurs, how to treat yourself or someone else who has COVID-19, how to get tested, and how to treat COVID-19.
This document identifies the two most important objectives of COVID-19 surveillance, which are identifying cases and outbreaks, and understanding the epidemiologic features of COVID-19.
This report highlights the surveillance case definitions for identifying SARS-CoV-2 in order to have a standardized method of classification and reporting to the Public Health Agency of Canada.
This ethics framework was created to help public health professionals and policy makers when making and enforcing decisions regarding COVD-19
The framework is based upon several principles including: trust, justice, respect, promoting well-being, minimizing harm, and collaboration and utilizes a 5-step approach to aid in decision-making.
This page outlines the advice of the Public Health Agency of Canada regarding how to care for a person who has COVID-19.
It includes the necessary supplies, how to protect yourself from contracting the virus, how to effectively clean/disinfect your home, how to protect healthy members within the home, how to monitor symptoms, and the procedure for self-isolating once in contact with a positive COVID-19 case.
This report contains the information discussed by the Chief Science Advisor Expert Panel on COVID-19 regarding how SARS-CoV-2 impacts indoor air quality and how the bioaerosol transmission of the virus and how knowledge of this kind can help in the reopening of schools.
Throughout two discussions, the expert panel observed that the main method of the virus transmission is through close contact through droplets or aerosols, however, transmission is still possible t