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Vaccine (COVID-19)

Safety after COVID-19 Vaccine Authorization

  • This publication identifies the Public Health Agency's post-market surveillance system, which is used to monitor the safety and effectiveness of a vaccine once it is authorized for use.
  • This page highlights how this system has altered to address the use of COVID-19 vaccines, how the federal government is monitoring the emerging COVID-19 variants with regards to current authorized vaccines, and how to report any vaccine or treatment safety concerns to Health Canada

COVID-19 Vaccine Certificates

  • This aim of this report is to provide a detailed overview of what is currently known about the COVID-19 vaccinations that are being rolled out domestically and internationally and how to approach a safe return to life prior to the pandemic.
  • The report provides information regarding the current efficacy of authorized vaccines along with the many scientific uncertainties that remain as a result of new variants and the short notice of the vaccine creation.

Funding for Domestic COVID-19 Vaccines

  • This page highlights Prime Minister Trudeau's investment of $23+ million in October of 2020 through the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program in order to help assist the research and development of domestically made vaccines and therapeutics for COVID-19.
  • This page outlines the details and amount of funding given to the various vaccination and therapeutics candidates around the country.