The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), also known as the North Atlantic Alliance, was formed on April 4, 1949 and is a military and political alliance founded to ensure the stability of the North Atlantic area and the safety of its people.
NATO was created by Canada, the US, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union following the Second World War.
The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization, founded in 1945, with the goal to maintain peace and security, facilitate friendly relations among member states, and to strengthen international cooperation.
There are currently 193 sovereign states apart of the UN, with Canada and the United States being founders.
The United States holds permanent member status in
This is a photograph of US President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister of Canada Mackenzie King, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference in 1943.
Canada hosted the Quebec Conferences on two separate occasions, the first being August 1943 and the second being September 1944.
This was a significant event in Canada's history and it signified the unique relat
Operation Apollo: The Golden Age of the Canadian Navy in the War Against Terrorism by Richard Gimblett is an authorized account of Canada's naval contribution to the post-September 11, 2001 war on terrorism campaign.
Richard Gimblett is an informed and independent author who serv
The Permanent Joint Board on Defence (PJBD) is the senior advisory body on continental military defence of North America.
This board was created in 1940 by Canada and the United States under the Ogdensburg Agreement signed by President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Mackenzie King.
When the two countries formally declared the establishment of this board, it was coined th