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The Quebec Conference
  • This is a photograph of US President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister of Canada Mackenzie King, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference in 1943.
  • Canada hosted the Quebec Conferences on two separate occasions, the first being August 1943 and the second being September 1944.
  • This was a significant event in Canada's history and it signified the unique relationship between the leaders of Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom during this time.
  • In particular, the first Quebec conference approved what would become Operation Overlord, which was the liberation of Europe through storming the beaches of Normandy in June 1944.
  • Both Quebec Conferences were highly secret military conferences led by the Allied leaders during the Second World War to discuss strategic plans for the war and to discuss the shape of the postwar world.

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Mackenzie King, and Winston Churchill. Quebec Conferences (1943-1944) National Historic Event. 1948. Photograph. La Citadelle de Québec, Quebec.

Overlapping Topics
Military, Defence, and Peacekeeping
Policy Type