Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic
- This document is the briefing materials regarding the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic that was created to allow the Members of Parliament to meet virtually and discuss matters related to the pandemic.
- There are 15 briefing documents, however, this one encompasses the cumulative (and most updated) overview of the topics of importance for the committee.
- This specific report deals with several matters relating to how COVID-19 has impacted them, including:
- The plan to lift restrictions and return to the workplace;
- The National Capital Region bridge projects;
- The energy services acquisition program;
- Employment opportunities for the people in the Ottawa-Carleton Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OCAPDD);
- Rehabilitation of both the West Memorial Building and the Supreme Court of Canada;
- The state of Canada Post;
- Reconstruction of the National Capital Commission assets;
- The backlog and queue of the Phoenix pay system;
- Improvements to the Phoenix IBM system;
- Updates on Phoenix investments and employees;
- Accomplishments and status of our defense and marine projects;
- The status of the Future Fighter Capability Project;
- The National Shipbuilding Strategy (NSS);
- The procurement of medical supplies;
- The status of the federal government's deal with Amazon to provide PPE;
- The health and safety status of Canada Post and their employees;
- The impacts of international export restrictions;
- The capacity of the Translation Bureau;
- The status of federal construction;
- The Long Term Vision and Plan for the Parliamentary Precinct;
- Rent relief;
- The COVID-29 Supply Council;
- Economic impacts for Canada Post;
- Big Bar Land redress;
- Obtaining medical gowns;
- Funding for COVID-19 related measures;
- Indigenous participation in federal procurement;
- Construction of the Polar Icebreaker;
- The ruling on the Canada Post Corporation; and
- The improvements to procurement and e-procurement.
Canada. Public Services and Procurement Canada. Special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic: April 29, 2020. Government of Canada, 2020. https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/trans/documentinfo-briefingmaterial/covi/2020_06_18/index-eng.html#a39
Further Readings
French Version:
Link to all briefing materials prepared for the Minister on COVID-19: https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/b34162e0-38b9-4cc6-8e2e-2a4a6110f136
Overlapping Topics
Government Affairs
Policy Sub-Topic
Policy Type
Special Committee Report