COVID-19 and Children
- This report, created by the special task force led by the Chief Science Advisor of Canada, analyzes the health implications of COVID-19 on children, their ability to spread the virus and compare these findings to the impacts of social measures on the well being of children as a whole.
- Some key findings, at the time of writing were that children are susceptible to COVID-19 but it is more mild than in adults, lower infection rates are found in young children, children do not seem to be major spreaders of the virus, research behind these observations are still unknown (at the time of writing), the age in which children react to COVID-19 similarly to adults is unknown, measures implemented to limit the spread of the disease has had negative influences on children's well-being, and more research must be done to fully grasp why COVID-19 seems to react differently to children than to adults.
Canada. Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada. COVID-19 and Children. Government of Canada, 2020.
Overlapping Topics
Education, Youth, and Children
Policy Sub-Topic
Policy Type
Department Report