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Independent Documents/Articles on COVID-19

Canadian Politics and Public Policy Magazine publications

UNICEF Canada on the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) on Vaccine Confience

Canadian Institute of Health Research on COVID-19

Canadian Public Health Association on Canada's Initial Response to COVID-19

Canada Communicable Disease Report on COVID-19: A Year Later

HealthCareCAN on COVID-19 and the Canadian Healthcare System Capacity

Role of Government Operations Centre during COVID-19

Canadian Parliamentary Review Publication on Parliaments in a Pandemic

Centre for International Governance on Canada's Surveillance and Stockpile Capabilities

Former Canadian Health Minister on PPE in the Early Days of the Pandemic

Ottawa had a Playbook for a Coronavirus-Like Pandemic 14-Years Ago: What Went Wrong

Why Canada Sent PPE Around the World Early on in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Inside Canada's Pandemic Early Warning System (and the failures)

How Canada's Public Health Failed to Curb COVID-19

Canadian PPE Stockpile Issues

Pharmaceutical Capabilities amid the COVID-19 Stockpile Challenges

Canada's COVID-19 Preparedness and Response

Variation in the Canadian Provincial and Territorial Response to COVID-19

Provincial Responses to COVID-19

Year One: The Untold Story of the Pandemic in Canada

Canada and Vaccine Research and Production


Additional Reading