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Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement
  • This is the official document of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.
  • The settlement agreement came after the devastations of Residential Schools and its purpose was to bring a resolution between the Churches, the Assembly of First Nations, Indigenous peoples/organizations and the Government of Canada.
  • The Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement included five main elements: the Common Experience Payment (CEP) for former students; an Independent Assessment Process (IAP) for survivors of sexual/physical abuse; implementation of the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program and an endowment for the Aboriginal Healing Foundation; activities and commemorative projects; and the creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Canada, represented by Hon. Frank Iacobucci, Plaintiffs, represented by the National Consortium and the Merchant Law Group, Independent Counsel, The Assembly of First Nations and Inuit Representatives, and The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, The Presbyterian Church of Canada, the United Church of Canada, and Roman Catholic Entities. "Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement." Hilsoft. 2006.

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