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The Summit for Democracy
  • The Summit for Democracy is an initiative formed by the Biden-Harris Administration with a goal to bring government leaders, civil society, and the private sector together to renew and uphold democracy, and to tackle the greatest threats to democracies around the world by initiating collective action.
  • Between December 9th-10th 2021, President Biden held the first of two Summits for Democracy, which gathered over 100 government leaders, hundreds of civil society members, and several businesses.
  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined the summit and presented Canada's national statement, which entailed that democracy should not be taken for granted and that leaders must work together to always renew and uphold democracy for people.
  • Prime Minister Trudeau also ensured that Canada remains committed to working alongside governments and those who defend democracy such as journalists, civil society leaders, and academics, among others.

U.S. Department of State. The Summit for Democracy. 2021.

Policy Type
International Leaders Forum