The Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians has released a report on the status of support for government policies on climate change across the provinces and territories. Though the COVID-19 pandemic topped Canadian concerns over the last year, climate change remains a serious concern for many Canadians. The Brian Mulroney Institute of Government is a proud partner in the study along with the Institute for Research on Public Policy, the Canada-West Foundation, the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, and the Centre D’Analyse Politique – Constitution et Fédéralisme. The survey was conducted by the Environics Institute for Survey Research.
The Confederation of Tomorrow surveyed Canadians regarding their opinions on federal and provincial governments’ policy approaches to climate change. The surveys were completed between January and March 2021. The surveys covered multiple topics, including the relationship between the environment and the economy; the options available to fight climate change (such as phasing out fossil fuels); and confidence in leaders from government, business, and environmental organizations.