- This is the record of the House of Commons Special Session on September 17, 2001 where Prime Minister Jean Chrétien makes a speech to the nation regarding the 9/11 attacks on the United States.
- This resource also contains the speeches made by other MPs at the Special Session.
- In his speech, Jean Chrétien said "The world has been attacked. The world must respond."
- He also makes reference to President Bush's gratitude for the support of Canadians and the various departments and agencies of Canada working to aid the US during that time.
Chrétien, Jean. "Canadian House of Commons Special Session: Attack on the United States." September 17, 2001. Ottawa, Ontario. C-SPAN video, 1:34:03. https://www.c-span.org/video/?166116-1/canadian-house-commons-special-session
For Jean Chrétien's full speech and the full House of Commons session: https://greatcanadianspeeches.ca/2020/09/10/jean-chretien-trade-tower-attacks-september-2001/ & https://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/37-1/house/sitting-79/hansard#SOB-47885
For Jean Chrétien's speech paying tribute to 9/11 victims in Gander, N.L.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfJ7wtKDoTQ
For more information on Canada's foreign & domestic policy responses after 9/11: https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/ns-sn/act-loi.html & https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/cntr-trrrsm/sptmbr-11th/gvrnmnt-rspns-en.aspx
For some more information regarding Canada and 9/11: https://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1411&context=ohlj
& https://jmss.org/article/download/57975/43630/157733 & https://ca.usembassy.gov/tag/911/
For more information on the events in Gander, N.L.: https://www.911memorial.org/connect/blog/lend-hand-do-what-you-can-remembering-generosity-gander