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History of Canada and the Holocaust
  • While Canada did not directly experience the Holocaust, this Canadian government publication explores the way Canada was impacted by the tragedies of the Holocaust and how Canada contributed to the discrimination and oppression of Jewish people during this time.
  • This publications discusses Canada's wartime policies and immigration policies that primarily marginalized Jewish refugees through internment camps between 1940–1943, the involvement of the Canadian Armed Forces in liberating internment camps overseas who held Jewish and other prisoners of war, the resettlement of Holocaust survivors in Canada, the recognition of citizenship of Raoul Wallenberg (a Swedish diplomat who helped save 100,000 Jews in six months in Hungary), and more modern Canadian efforts to remember, address, and reflect upon the horrors of the Holocaust and the fight against anti-semitism.

Canada. Culture, history and sport. History of Canada and the Holocaust. 2022. (accessed July 11, 2022). 

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