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Major Books on Canada-US Relations

The Third Man: Churchill, Roosevelt, Mackenzie King, and the Untold Friendships That Won WWII

The Presidents and Prime Ministers: Washington and Ottawa Face to Face: Myth of Bilateral Bliss 1867-1982

Canada and the Reagan Challenge: Crisis in the Canadian-American Relationship• Canada and the Reagan Challenge: Crisis in the Canadian-American Relationship,

Franklin Roosevelt and the Origins of the Canadian-American Security Alliance

Canada-US Relations: Sovereignty or Shared Institutions? 

Dispersed Relations: Americans and Canadians in Upper North America

Reconcilable Differences: A History of Canada-US Relations

Forgotten Partnership: U.S.-Canada Relations Today

Forgotten Partnership Redux: Canada-U.S. Relations in the 21st Century

At Home and Abroad: The Canada-US Relationship and Canada's Place in the World

  • This book, written by Patrick Lennox discusses the dualistic view of the Canada-US relationship through a North American lens and an international lens.
  • Lennox argues the flaws in this understanding of the relationship, while also arguing that the way Canada engages with the world, is heavily determined by how it relates to the United States.
  • Lennox applies structural theory to six major events in their shared history throughout his book. 

Border Flows: A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship

Canada and the United States: Ambivalent Allies

The Impact of 9/11 on Canada-U.S. Trade

Canada and the United States: Differences that Count

The Canada-US Border in the 21st Century: Trade, Immigration and Security in the Age of Trump

Drifting Together: The Political Economy of Canada-US Integration

An Independent Foreign Policy for Canada?: Challenges and Choices for the Future

Seeking Equality: The Political Economy of the Common Good in the United States and Canada

  • This book, written by John Harles, compares the economic inequality in the United States and Canada and uncovers the values and policy decisions that has led to a more unequal society in the United States as opposed to its northern neighbour.
  • Harles draws upon the Canadian experience to explain why the gap between rich and the rest of society remains so broad and highly concerning, and what can be done about it.

With Faith and Goodwill: 150 Years of Canada-U.S. Friendship

  • In 2017, the Canadian American Business Council published With Faith and Goodwill, which is a tribute to the 150 years of Canada-US friendship.
  • The book gives insight into all the ups and downs the Canada-US relationship from Sir John A. MacDonald to Donald Trump and everyone in between.
  • It contains collections of speeches, rarw photographs and special insight into the unique relationship shared by the two countries and their leaders over the years.
  • The 2017 version was named The Hill Times: Best Books of 2017.
  • In February 2022, the second edition of this book was released.
  • For the 1st Edition by Arthur Milnes (2017):
  • For the 2nd Edition by Arthur Milnes, Maryscott Greenwood, and Scott Reid (February 2022):

Kennedy and Diefenbaker: Fear and Loathing Across the Undefended Border

Camelot and Canada: Canadian-American Relations in the Kennedy Era

Dancing Around the Elephant: Creating a Prosperous Canada in an Era of American Dominance, 1957-1973

Thatcher, Reagan, Mulroney: In Search of a New Bureaucracy

  • This book, written by Donald J. Savoie, discusses the attempts to  modernize the bureaucracy by three leaders of the developed world, US President Ronald Reagan, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
  • The three leaders all crossed paths as leaders and shifted ideologies through their market-oriented, conservative and capitalist views.
Additional Reading