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The worst anti-Semitic riot in Canada
  • The Christie Pits riot took place on August 16, 1933, in Toronto, Ontario at Christie San Pits Park and is remembered as one of the worst displays of ethnic violence in Canadian history.
  • The riots began by you Nazi supporters who flew a swastika flag at a public baseball game to provoke Jewish Canadians
  • The riots involved over 10,000 people and proved the deep-rooted anti-semitism and occurring across Canada at the time.
  • This riot involved Italians and other immigrants who fought alongside the Jews as they too were being marginalized by the Anglo-majority.
  • While limited arrests were made, further proving the culture towards immigrants and minorities, this riot was still seen as a turning point in anti-semitism in Canada as it led to the Toronto mayor banning the use of the Swastika.

"The worst anti-Semitic riot in Canada." June 4, 2021. Youtube Video, 5:45.

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