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Policy on Preventing Discrimination Based on Creed
  • This policy, approved by the Ontario Human Rights Commission, replaces the Policy on creed and the accommodation of religious observances (1996) and protects the right to be "treated equally based on creed, and to freely hold and practice creed beliefs of one's choosing" and protects the right to be free from religious or creed-based pressure.
  • This policy stresses that this right is a fundamental right in Ontario, which is protected by the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • The historical basis for this policy is rooted in the treatment of Indigenous peoples in Canada (specifically the residential school system in Ontario) and the blatant rejection of Jewish immigration especially in times of desperate need (during WWII).
  • This policy explores the discrimination that remains today, the legal framework, details of the forms of discrimination, how sections of the policy combat discrimination, and much more. 

Canada. Ontario. Ontario Human Rights Commission. Policy on Preventing Discrimination Based on Creed. 2015.

Overlapping Topics
Provincial/Territorial Government Affairs
Policy Type
Provincial Statute