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Books on Human Rights in Canada

Repression and Resistance: Canadian Human Rights Activists, 1930-1960

  • Repression and Resistance by Ross Lambertson examines the history of human rights in Canada from 1930-1960, which is the period before the emergency of more modern human rights groups and it focuses on the activists who were fighting against injustices they deemed of great importance at the time. Some examples being the Quebec anti-communist padlock law, civil liberty violations in the war, post-war attempts to deport Japanese Canadians, attempts to obtain anti-discrimination legislation, Cold War civil liberty violations, struggles to obtain a Bill of Rights, among others.

Human Rights in Canada: A History

Canadian Human Rights in a Nutshell

  • This book, by Bryan K. Law, explores what the human rights landscape is in Canada, how the various laws work to prohibit discrimination and uses case examples to explain the major legislations such as the federal Canadian Human Rights Act, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and provincial/territorial laws.

A History of Human Rights in Canada: Essential Issues

Speaking Out on Human Rights: Debating Canada's Human Rights System

  • This book challenges the notion held by Canadians that Canada has always been a champion of human rights in the international community. The author of this book, Peal Eliadis, critiques these myths and analyzes the ways Canadian history has been framed in such a manner. Specifically, this book draws on interviews from leading Canadian human rights experts to explore how commissions and tribunals have mediated rights in areas such as hate speech, religious freedoms and sexuality.

About Canada: Disability Rights

  • This book, by Deborah Stienstra, explores the historical and modern experiences of people with disabilities in Canada alongside the policy and advocacy responses to these experiences. Stienstra discusses the importance of disability rights, the cross-sectoral policy opportunities of greater disability freedom, and she offers new approaches and practices to improve inclusivity and accommodation.
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Canada's Human Rights History Collection

Canadian Human Rights Law


Selling Illusions: The Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada

  • This book, written by Neil Bissoondath in 1994 is a critique of the 1971 Multiculturalism Act because of its emphasis on differences rather than similarities among the country's various ethnic groups. This highly controversial text highlights the conflicts surrounding collective rights, which he argues is not limited to French Canadians. This book sparked immense debate around the differences between Canadian values and collective rights claims of ethnic and religious minority groups.
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