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The Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms
  • The Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a fundamental law in the province of Quebec that came into force on June 28, 1976, and was unanimously adopted through a National Assembly vote in June 27, 1975.
  • The Charter sets out fundamental rights for all persons in Quebec including residents, tourists, workers and students.
  • The purpose of the Charter is to ensure all people are treated equally by each other, institutions/organizations, and businesses.
  • The Charter provides a legal mechanism for these institutions to be held accountable and gives citizens the ability to assert and defend their rights.
  • The Charter protects fundamental rights and freedoms, such as right to life, personal security, freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, etc.
  • It also protects political rights, such as the right to vote, legal rights (like the right to an attorney), and socio-economic rights (like the right to free public education and fair conditions of employment).
  • The Charter has undergone amendments ever since its inception making it a stronger and more inclusive legislation.
  • Through a 1977 amendment, the Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms became the first jurisdiction in Canada to include sexual orientation as a prohibited ground for discrimination.
  • The Charter has also been amended to prohibit discrimination against the following characteristics and conditions: disability, pregnancy, age, pardoned conviction, gender identity or expression, to ensure health and safety requirements for all people in places of employment, to prohibit discriminatory harassment, to develop and implement affirmative action programs in Quebec, and to uphold the right to live in a healthy environment while maintaining biodiversity.
  • The Quebec Charter is also important because in the majority of cases, the Charter holds precedent over all other Quebec laws.
  • This is the most recent version of the Quebec Charter.

Quebec. Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, C-12. Last updated April 1, 2022.

Further Readings
Policy Type
Provincial Statute