Katie Aubrecht is Canada Research Chair in Health Equity and Social Justice and Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at StFX. Dr. Aubrecht has a PhD in Sociology of Education from the University of Toronto and is an alumnus of the inaugural cohort of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) Health System Impact (HSI) Fellows. She is a CIHR External Advisory Committee member working on the Institute’s accessibility planning work to meet its obligations under the Accessible Canada Act. As Director of the Canadian Foundation for Innovation-funded Spatializing Care: Intersectional Disability Studies Lab, she leads an interdisciplinary research program that maps health services, social policies, and community resources related to marginality, mental health, and resilience across the life span, with a focus on rural communities in Atlantic Canada. Aubrecht’s teaching and research in sociology draw on health policy studies, intersectional disability studies, gerontology, and participatory, decolonizing and arts-informed qualitative research methods to analyze disability, aging, and mental health education, policy and practice and explore creative cross-sectoral approaches to person- and family-oriented behavioural health care. Aubrecht is an Associate Scientist with the Maritime Strategy for Patient Oriented Research (SPOR) SUPPORT Unit and is Chair of the CIHR IHSPR Institute Advisory Board. She has also served as President and Executive Board Member of the Canadian Disability Studies Association and as Board Director with Eviance (Canadian Centre on Disability Studies).

Manuscripts – Edited Book
Aubrecht, K., Kelly, C., & Rice, C. (Eds.). (2020). Aging/disability nexus. Disability culture and politics series. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Peer-Reviewed Edited Volumes (Journal Issues)
Aubrecht, K., & La Monica, N. (Guest editors). (2019). Survivals, ruptures, resiliences: Perspectives from disability scholarship, art and activism. Special Issue of the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 8(4).
Aubrecht, K., & Krawchenko T. (Guest editors). (2016). Disability & aging: International perspectives. Special Issue of Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, 12(2&3).
Aubrecht, K. (Guest editor). (2013). Translating happiness: medicine, culture and social progress. Special Issue of Health, Culture & Society, 5(1).
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Herron, R., Kelly, C., & Aubrecht, K. (Accepted). A conversation about ageism: Time to deinstitutionalize long-term care? University of Toronto Quarterly.
Kelly, C., Hande, M. J., Dansereau, L., Aubrecht, K., Martin-Matthews, A., & Williams, A. (Accepted, 2020). Doing ‘whatever they can imagine’: Social task-shifting in directly funded home care. International Journal of Care and Carers.
Embrett, M., Lui, R., Aubrecht, K., Koval, A., & Lai, J. (2020). Thinking together, working apart: Leveraging digital technology to facilitate productive and meaningful remote collaboration. International Journal of Health Policy & Management. doi: 10.34172/ijhpm.2020.122
Embrett, M., Sim, M., Aubrecht, K., Cheng, I., Lai, J., Liu, R., Ouedraogo, S., Saari, M. (2020). Destination impact! The many roads to influencing health system change. International Journal of Health Policy & Management. doi:10.34172/ijhpm.2020.77
O’Neil, K., Aubrecht, K., & Keefe, J. (2020). Dimensions of housing insecurity for older women living with a low Income. Journal of Aging and Environment. DOI: 10.1080/26892618.2020.1744498
Kelly, C., Jamal, A., Aubrecht, K., & Grenier, A. (2020). Emergent issues in directly funded care: Canadian perspectives. Aging and Social Policy. doi: 10.1080/08959420.2020.1745736
Keefe, J., Hande, M. J., Aubrecht, K., Daly, T., Cloutier, D., Taylor, D., Hoben, M., Stajduhar, K., Cook, H., Bourgeault, I., MacDonald, L., & Estabrooks, C. (2020). Team-based integrated knowledge translation for enhancing quality of life in long-term care settings: A multi-method, multi-sectorial research design. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 1-5. 10.15171/ijhpm.2019.123
Aubrecht, K. & La Monica, N. (2019). Complexities of survival and resilience. The Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 8(4).
Aubrecht, K. (2019). Nothing but’: University student mental health and the hidden curriculum of academic success. The Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 8(4).
Blanchette, M. A., Saari, M., Aubrecht, K., Bailey, C., Cheng, I., Embrett, M., Ghandour, E. K., Haw, J., Koval, A., Liu, R., Pohar Manhas, K., Mawani, F., McConnell-Nzunga, J., Petricca, K., Sim, M., Singal, D., Syrowatka, A., & Lai, J. (2019). Making contributions and defining success: An eDelphi study of the inaugural cohort of CIHR Health System Impact fellows, host supervisors and academic supervisors Healthcare Policy, 15, 49-60. doi:10.12927/hcpol.2019.25980
Sim, M., Lai, J., Aubrecht, K., Cheng, I., Embrett, M., Ghandour, E. K., Saari, M., Highet., Liu, R., Pereira, C. M., Ouedraogo, C. S., & Williams-Roberts, H. (2019). CIHR health system impact fellows: Reflections on ‘driving change’ within the health system. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. doi 10.15171/ijhpm.2018.124.
Aubrecht, K., & Keefe, J. (2018). All behaviour has meaning: Conceptualizing challenging assumptions in dementia care. Innovation in Aging, 2 (Suppl.1), 479. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igy023.1790
Aubrecht, K. (2018). From disabling transitions to (re)stabilizing care: Analyzing the global challenge of dementia from a service delivery perspective. Canadian Geriatrics Journal, 21(4), 328.
Cassidy, K.L., Amanullah, S., Cassidy, B., Cyr-Lebel, B., Krieger-Frost, S., Thompson, S., Gambin, D., Aubrecht, K., & McVeigh, W. (2018). Help us build the Atlantic seniors mental health network (ASMHN): bring your boldest ideas! Canadian Geriatrics Journal, 21(4), 335.
Earl, M., Aubrecht, K., & Weeks, L. (2018). Young adult health profiles at admission: Insights for residential services. Healthy Living, Healthy Life Conference. Retrieved from https://ojs.library.dal.ca/HLHL/article/view/7897
Aubrecht, K., & La Monica, N. (2017). (Dis)embodied disclosure in higher education: a co-constructed narrative. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 47(3), 1-15.
Aubrecht, K. (2017). Bringing aging to the forefront in intersectional disability studies. Innovation in Aging, 1 (Suppl.1), 681. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igx004.2429
Aubrecht, K., Keefe, J., Bowers, L., & Redden, M. (2017). Faculty mentoring and pedagogical partnerships: Perspectives from a teaching and research collaboration on reminiscence work in Nova Scotia museums. Proceedings of the Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, 21, 115-121.
Aubrecht, K. (2016). Psy-times: the psycho-politics of resilience in university student life. In the special issue, Mad Studies: Intersections with Disability Studies, Social Work, and ‘Mental Health’, Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, 5(2), 186-200.
Aubrecht, K., & Keefe, J. (2016). The becoming subject of dementia. Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal. 12(2&3), 137-154.
Aubrecht, K., Keefe, J., Ploeg, J., & Fraser, K. (2016). A prescription for comfort?: A validation study of interviews with caregivers of persons with dementia in Ontario and Alberta. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 15(1).
Aubrecht, K., & Krawchenko, T. (2016). Disability and aging: research, theory and policy perspectives. Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal. 12(2&3), 3-10.
Aubrecht, K. (2016). Deep impact: Introduction - pacific rim forum. Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, 11(4).
Titchkosky, T., & Aubrecht, K. (2015). WHO’S MIND[1], Whose future?: Mental health policies as colonial logics, special Issue: disability & colonialism: (dis)encounters and anxious intersectionalities. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 21(1), 1-16.
Aubrecht, K. (2014 [2012]). Disability studies and the language of mental illness. Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, 8(2), 31-44. Retrieved from https://www.rdsjournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/98
Aubrecht, K. (2013). Translating happiness. Health, Culture & Society, 5(1), 1-13.
Aubrecht, K. (2012). The ‘new vocabulary’ of resilience and the governance of university ‘student life’. Special Issue of Studies in Social Justice: The Politics of Resilience and Recovery in Mental Health Care, 6(1), 67-83.
Book Chapters
Aubrecht, K., & Boafo, A. (2020). Deconstructing dependency and development in global
dementia policy. In K. Aubrecht, C. Kelly, & C. Rice (Eds.), Aging/disability nexus (pp. 200-217). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Titchkosky, T., & Aubrecht, K. (2017). One in five: The prevalence problematic in mental illness
discourse. In M. Morrow & L.H. Malcoe (Eds.), Critical inquiries for social justice in mental health
(pp. 312-332). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
domestication in the nursing home setting. In M. Rembis (Ed.), Disabling Domesticity (pp.215-239). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Titchkosky, T., & Aubrecht, K. (2016). WHO’S MIND, Whose future?: Mental health policies as colonial logics. In K. Soldatic & S. Grech (Eds.), Disability and (post)colonial Identities (pp. 69-84). London: Routledge.
Aubrecht, K., & Lay, I. M. (2016). Solidarity in the solitudes of student life: Contemporary women students discuss life and work in the academy. In E. Whitaker (Ed.), Solitudes of the workplace: Women in universities (pp. 118-135). Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Fabris, E., & Aubrecht, K. (2014). Chemical constraint: Experiences of psychiatric coercion, restraint, and detention as carceratory techniques. In A. Carey, C. Chapman and L. Ben-Moshe (Eds.), Disability incarcerated: Imprisonment and disability in North America (pp. 185-200). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Aubrecht, K. (2010). Re-reading the Ontario review of the roots of youth violence report: The relevance of fanon for a critical disability studies perspective. In G. S. Dei & M. Simmons (Eds.), Fanon and education: Thinking through pedagogical possibilities (pp. 55-78). New York: Peter Lang Press.
Titchkosky, T., & Aubrecht, K. (2010). The anguish of power: Re-mapping mental diversity with an anti-colonial compass. In A. Kempf (Ed.), Breaching the colonial contract: Anti-colonialism in the US and Canada (pp. 179-201). New York: Springer Press.
Aubrecht, K. (2009). CTOs: A new order of terror? In M. Vardalos, G.K. Letts, H.M. Teixeira, A. Karzai, & J. Haig (Eds.), Engaging terror: A critical and interdisciplinary approach (pp. 321-329). Brown Walker Press.
[1] “WHO’s MIND” makes reference to the World Health Organization Mental Health Improvements for Nation’s Development Project.