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Policy+ > Submissions


  • Submissions for our annual journal must be submitted by 11:59 AST on April 30, 2025.
  • Submissions can be emailed to



  • Preference will be given to submissions relevant to policy and governance issues of the day. Articles can explore issues at all levels of government, pertaining to economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental implications of public policy and governance.
  • Submissions from an array of disciplines are welcome, as our journal aims to incorporate an interdisciplinary approach to public policy and governance.
  • Submissions must be written for an academic audience.
  • Submissions must be original work, completed during the author’s undergraduate degree, and in which the student is the lead researcher and author.
  • Submissions will adhere to and honour the Policy+ Ethics Statement.
  • Article submissions must be between 2,000–4,000 words. Submissions are accepted as Microsoft Word files.
  • If a submission is successful, the Policy+ editorial board will select an image to accompany the article that will be approved by the author before publication.



  • Preference will be given to submissions relevant to policy and governance issues of the day. Articles can explore issues at all levels of government, including economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental implications of public policy.
  • Submissions from an array of disciplines are welcome, as our journal aims to incorporate an interdisciplinary approach to public policy and governance.
  • Op-ed submissions should have an academic and professional tone; however, there is more space for opinion in these submissions.
  • Submissions must be original work, completed during the author’s undergraduate degree and in which the student is the lead researcher and author.
  • Submissions will adhere to and honour the Policy+ Ethics Statement.
  • Op-Ed submissions must be 1,500 words or less and submitted as a Microsoft Word file.
  • If a submission is successful, the Policy+ editorial board will select an image to accompany the op-ed that will be approved by the author before publication.



  • Any ethics clearances are to be secured by the author(s).
  • Please review the Policy+ Ethics Statement, which all author(s) are required to adhere to.



  • Policy+ requests that all submissions follow the style guidelines as outlined here.
  • All submissions must be original work that has not been previously published and/or is not currently being considered for publication.
  • Decisions of the editorial board are final and not subject to review or appeal.
  • URLs and links included in a submission and/or in the submission’s reference list must be checked as active.
  • Table, figures, and/or illustrations should be appropriately placed within the text. Further details can be found in the style guidelines.
  • Acknowledgement of research funding or institutional support may be included.


Review Process


  • All submissions will be granted a blind review focused on meeting the core mission of Policy+.
  • Reviewers will be looking for the following:
    1. Relevance to policy and governance issues of the day
    2. High professional standard
    3. Proof-read and publication readiness
    4. Adherence to style guidelines
    5. Compliance with relevant submission type

* Submissions that do not meet the requirements will be returned to author(s) for correction prior to review.


Other Considerations

  • Submissions will adhere to and honour the Policy+ Ethics Statement.
  • In submitting an article or op-ed for review, author(s) understand that they are permitting editing of the piece for readability at the editor’s discretion. Any proposed changes will be cleared with the author(s).
  • Suspected or reported cases of misconduct are considered individually by the editor and editorial board. Submission consideration will be placed on hold and reconsidered upon completion of an investigation.
  • Accepted submissions will be published as open access content, allowing the research to be freely available to the public.