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Testing, Screening and Quarantine (COVID-19)

Quarantine Act

  • The aim of this Act, when introduced in 2005 (two years after the SARS outbreak), was to prevent the introduction and spread of viruses/diseases that can be contracted through human or animal contact.
  • It gives the federal Health Minister the ability to screen people travelling in and out of Canada, allows them to implement facilities where quarantining can take place, they can fine or imprison those why fail to comply, and gives the federal government emergency po

Testing for COVID-19

  • This report highlights how the Government of Canada has mobilized industry and is investing in our COVID-19 testing capabilities.
  • It includes Health Canada's agreements to secure more testing options, details of the federal government's purchase of rapid tests, how support has been given to improve the provinces and territories' testing capacity, and details of current testing capacity by province/territory.

Securing COVID-19 Rapid Tests

  • This publication reveals the purchase agreements made by Public Services and Procurement Canada, on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada, to increase the COVID-19 rapid test capacity.
  • This page also includes the federal government's issue of a Request for Standing Offer to secure rapid tests more efficiently, details of the types of rapid tests, and how they are distributed within Canada.

National Approach to Testing for COVID-19

  • This Public Health publication discusses outlines the national approach to COVID-19 testing, which has guided the provinces and territories in testing their citizens.
  • It identifies the role at the federal, provincial and territorial level, along with how the federal government's Safe Restart Agreement has helped to strengthen testing, contact tracing, data management, and information sharing systems within the provinces and territories.

Testing for COVID-19

  • This publication addresses who should get tested for COVID-19, how Canada tests for the virus, details regarding the two types of tests (diagnostic and antibody), and the current information surrounding re-infection and immunity to the virus.

Isolating during COVID-19

  • This publication gives the public the necessary directions in order to properly isolate when presenting COVID-19 symptoms when there was possible exposure to the virus.
  • This page contains information on how to protect others, the importance of cleaning your hands and surfaces, how to care for yourself, and some useful supplies to have while isolating.

COVID-19 Testing and Screening Guide

  • This report was created in response to the evident need for a pan-Canadian approach to testing the population for COVID-19.
  • As the pandemic evolved, guidance changed, especially in regards to limiting asymptomatic diagnostic PCR testing.
  • This page outlines the use of different testing options and screening technologies and their effectiveness, the importance of testing, the fiv