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Travel Measures (COVID-19)

Strategies to Optimize Testing and Quarantine at Canadian Borders

  • In November 2020, the Minister of Health established the COVID-19 Testing and Screening Expert Advisory Panel that has issued a total of five reports intended to guide the federal government's response to COVID-19.
  • These reports discuss topics including: self-testing strategies; testing and screening strategies, testing and screening in long-term care homes, testing and screening in primary and secondary schools, and testing and quarantining at Canada's borders.

COVID-19 and Air Ticket Reimbursements

  • This report discusses the current unrest regarding the obligation of airlines to reimburse passengers who had flight cancellations due to COVID-19.
  • The report discusses international law, statements made by the Canadian Transportation Agency, requirements under Air Transportation and Air Passenger Protection Regulations, common law and how this issue remains currently unsettled.

Travel Restrictions during COVID-19

  • This news release announces the new restrictions regarding international travel where passengers arriving by either land or air must prove a negative COVID-19 test prior to entering the country and provides information regarding the penalties associated with non-compliance.
  • This news was announced in February 2021 and since October 1 2022, all federal border testing, quarantine, and isolation requirements ended.

Canada's Flight Plan for COVID-19

  • Canada's Flight Plan for Navigating COVID-19 is a document developed by Transport Canada to address and ensure safe air travel for delivering goods and services, especially to remote and Northern communities, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • This document includes how Transport Canada and the Government of Canada are keeping air travellers safe, strengthening the Canadian aviation system, the procedure for travel, and measures that have been implements.

Aeronautics Act

  • This act governs civil aviation in Canada and allows the Cabinet to regulate aviation security and any aviation activity.
  • Regulation can include, screening people entering or inside and airport or aircraft, people being transported by aircraft, and areas in which aircrafts coming outside of Canada may land.
  • This act, alongside the Quarantine Act and other legislation, were enacted to address the safety of Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic.