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History and War (Indigenous Peoples)

History of Indigenous Peoples and the Treaty Relationship with the Government of Canada

  • This page discusses the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada, the history of treaties with Indigenous peoples, and the origins of the Indian Department, which was created in 1755 to manage the relationship between the British and the First Nations peoples.
  • This department has been transformed over the years and is now known as Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.

First Nations in Canada

  • This eBook publication on First Nations in Canada, gives an extensive overview of the historical timeline of our First Nations peoples in Canada.
  • It has six main sections and it discusses treaties, acts, land settlement agreements, assimilation efforts, and details of the tumultuous relationship between European colonizers and Indigenous peoples from the 1700s up to present day.

The History of the Royal Proclamation of 1763

  • This is the Canadian government's document recognizing the 250th Anniversary of the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which was known as the formal beginning to the treaty-making process and a vital historic moment between the Crown and Indigenous peoples.
  • This document highlights the history of the proclamation, how it established First Nations rights and the treaty-making process, and how it changed the First Nations relationship with the Crown.

Royal Proclamation of 1763

  • One of the most influential documents in Canada's history is the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which was monumental in the Crown's relationship with both Great Britain and First Nations peoples.
  • This document was the first to recognize the rights of First Nations peoples (for land and hunting) and created the process for treaty-making that is still used today.