The Canadian Council of Chief Executives provides insight on Canada and Mexico's history in trading together, as well as their trilateral relationship with the US, finishing with recommendations for Canada moving forward with Mexico.
Canada and Mexico agree to collaborate with one another and their competition laws.
Both states agree to notify the other party when they have a change in laws, notify the other party of any laws pertaining to them, and acknowledge that it is in both parties' best interest to work together and not against one another.
Canada and Mexico announce a new High-level Economic Dialogue which will be used to build on Canada and Mexico's economic relationship, through the development of new technologies, promotion of sustainable investments, and the exchange of best practices between the two countries.
Working to improve the bilateral relationship between Canada and Mexico, the countries agree to various deals including Mexico lifting the ban on Canadian beef, a tourism statistical exchange, and innovation and entrepreneurship for Indigenous communities.
Statistics Canada discusses the advantages to come from closer collaboration from North American countries, specifically Canada and Mexico, through their strong agriculture economies and trade.
Canada agrees to the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement which will replace the North American Free Trade Agreement and promote more efficient, safe, and beneficial trade for Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
After the fall of the North American Free Trade Agreement, Trump agrees to revamp the Canada, United States, and Mexico agreement, in hopes of reworking the relationship to better profit these countries.
Since Canada, Mexico, and the US have come together with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Canada and Mexico have also made a number of trade deals exclusive to each other to improve border security and outward economic growth.
This paper reviews the trade agreements and outcomes that have taken place between Canada and Mexico since the beginning of NAFTA.