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The Brian Mulroney Institute of Government is pleased to host a number of events geared toward student engagement and sparking debate on society’s most pressing issues. To do so, the Institute partners with other organizations, hosts meetings, and brings prominent Canadian and international experts StFX to share their unique perspectives on public policy and governance.

Past Events

October 5, 2021, 5:30–7:00 pm | Barrick Auditorium (Mulroney Hall 2070)

A Panel Discussion

5 October 2021, 5:30 pm–7:00 pm

March 24, 2021, 4:00–5:30 pm | Barrick Auditorium, Mulroney Hall 2070

Patricia Cormack, Department of Sociology, StFX

March 11, 2021, 4:00–5:30 pm | Mulroney Hall 4034

Peter Clancy, Department of Political Science, StFX