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John F. Kennedy's Address before the Canadian Parliament
  • This address, made by former President John F. Kennedy, was made in Ottawa, on Parliament Hill, in May 1961 during his first trip outside the US as President.
  • This was an important symbolic salute to Canada where Kennedy famously describes the Canada-US relationship: "Geography has made us neighbours. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners. And necessity has made us allies."
  • These famous words are among the quotations from American presidents engraved into the stone at the US Embassy on Sussex Drive in Ottawa, which was opened by President Clinton in 1999.

Kennedy, John F. "Address Before the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa, Canada." May 17, 1961. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Youtube Video, 9:23.

Further Readings

For the printed version of President Kennedy's Speech:

For Canada's recognition of President John F. Kennedy in November 2013 where his famous speech on Parliament Hill was mentioned:

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