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The Treaty of Washington
  • The Treaty of Washington, which was negotiated in 1871 and came into effect in 1973, was a treaty made between Britain and the United States , which discussed issues left over from the American Civil War.
  • In negotiating this Treaty, the British Government's delegate John. A Macdonald, who was the Canadian Prime Minister at the time, as one of its five negotiators.
  • This Treaty is remembered as one of the first early interactions between Canada and the United States as it helped solve disputes such as illegal fishing in Canadian waters along with other cross-border issues from the war and it proved Canada's growing status on the international stage.

U.S. Department of State. Office of the Historian. VI. - Treaty between the United States and Great Britain for the settlement of pending questions between the two countries concluded at Washington, on the 8th of May, 1871. Washington, D.C.: 1871.

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