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The Historical Development of the Indian Act
  • This paper is the second edition of the Historical Development of the Indian Act, and the purpose of the paper is to give government officials and researchers a detailed, but not definitive account of history of the Indian Act.
  • This paper has two main sections, one that deals with Pre-Confederation (1755–1867) and the other that deals with Post-Confederation (1867–1951).
  • It also includes maps for geographical reference and a timeline for the events leading up to the Indian Act and changes that were made following the implementation of the act.

Canada. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. The Historical Development of the Indian Act. Edited by Robert G. Moore, John Leslie, and Ron Maguire. [Ottawa]: Treaties and Historical Research Centre, P.R.E Group, Indian and Northern Affairs, 1978.

Further Readings

For more information on the Indian Act Evolution:

Policy Type
Department Report