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Accessible Canada Act
  • The Accessible Canada Act (ACA) is a new landmark policy that came into force in 2019 that aims to ensure all people in Canada can fully participate in society.
  • The purpose of this act is to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities within the federally regulated private sector including: banking, transportation, telecommunication sectors, the Government of Canada, Crown corporations, and Parliament.
  • To achieve this, organizations must develop accessibility plans that outline their plan to remove accessibility barriers, they must create a mechanism to receive feedback from any individual who comes in contact with the organization, and they must develop progress reports on how they are implementing their plan and feedback from the plans.
  • The Accessible Canada Act aims to have a barrier-free Canada by 2040.

Accessible Canada Act, S.C. 2019, c. 10.

Overlapping Topics
Federal Government Affairs
Policy Type
Federal Statute