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Canada-US Horizontal Law Enforcement Initiatives
  • The Integrated Border Enforcement Team (IBET) program is a multi-faceted law enforcement initiative comprised of American and Canadian partners spanning along 15 regions of the shared border.
  • IBET is an example of bi-national collaborative efforts between the Canadian and United States governments' core agencies, which include the United States Customs and Border Protection, the US Coast Guard, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Canada Border Services Agency, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
  • This program has allows the aforementioned law enforcement agencies to share information and collaborate on local/state/provincial issues that relate to smuggling, trafficking, organized crime, unguarded roads, and other criminal activity occurring along the shared Canada-US border and between ports of entry.
  • Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States, the Canadian and American governments created IBET in 2002 to combat future and ongoing criminal activities/threats.

Canada. Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Horizontal Initiatives. Accessed on May 18, 2022.

Further Readings

For more information on the IBET initiative from the US Department of Justice:

For information regarding an operating IBET detachment visit:

Overlapping Topics
Military, Defence, and Peacekeeping
Policy Type
Info Note