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Official Apology Regarding the MS St. Louis
  • On November 7, 2018, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made an official statement of apology on behalf of the Government of Canada regarding the Government's decision to refuse safe refuge for the passengers onboard the vessel MS St. Louis in 1939. 
  • In his speech, the Prime Minister makes reference to how this decision ultimately resulted in the passengers returning to Europe where they sought refuge in the UK, Belgium, France, and Holland.
  • When the Nazis took over Belgium, France, and Holland, many of these passengers fell victim to the Nazi's power and were killed in concentration camps.
  • The Prime Minister also makes reference to how this decision was not an isolated case of anti-semitism in Canada at the time and that Government of Canada before, during, and following the Second World War were indifferent to the suffering and discrimination of Jews, despite the large Jewish population residing in Canada.
  • The Prime Minister also made reference to Canada's involvement in the Evian conference, which placed further restrictions on Jewish immigration before the war.
  • Finally, the Prime Minister concluded his speech by recognizing the long overdue apology for the government's failure in protecting Jews from Hitler and the Nazis and for the Government's involvement in exacerbating the discrimination inflicted on Jews in Canada and around the world. 

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. Statement of apology on behalf of the Government of Canada to the passengers of the MS St.Louis. [Ottawa, Ontario]: Government of Canada, 2018.

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Prime Ministerial Address