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Arrival of Displaced Persons in Canada 1945-1951
  • This Parks Canada publication discusses the time period of 1945–1951 (following the Second World War) where over 157,000 refugees came to Canada and were often referred to as 'displaced persons' due to the war.
  • This marked a major change in Canada's immigration policy and history, and the influx of refugees has greatly contributed to the multi-cultural diversity in Canada today.
  • Of the refugees, the majority came from Poland and Ukraine, however, there was a significant amount of Holocaust survivors, Jews, Croatians, Czechoslovakians, Estonians, Hungarians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Romanians, and Yugoslavians.
  • This publication gives some background regarding the reasons these refugees came to Canada, how they helped transform Canadian immigration policies and practices, the hard-work and struggle faced by these refugees, and how they positively influenced Canada.

Canada. Parks Canada. The Arrival of Displaced Persons in Canada, 1945-1951. Last modified February 15, 2015; accessed July 18, 2022.

Overlapping Topics
Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship
Policy Sub-Topic
Policy Type