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The Alberta Human Rights Act
  • Alberta introduced its first Human Rights Act in 1966, however, this legislation was replaced in 1972 by the Individual's Rights Protection Act and the Alberta Bill of Rights.
  • These prior policies helped build the framework for the Alberta Human Rights Act, which is the legislation used today.
  • The Alberta Human Rights Act (AHRA) is the provincial legislation in Alberta that applies to the actions of the provincial government and the private sector within the province.
  • The AHRA protects individuals from discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religious beliefs, gender (including pregnancy, sexual harassment, and gender identity), physical disability, mental disability, marital status, family status, source of income, and sexual orientation.
  • The AHRA protects individuals in connection with activities such as: notices (newspaper ads, posters, publications, etc); goods, services, accommodation or facilities normally available to the public; employment practices or employment advertising; tenancy; and membership in a trade union.
  • The AHRA also includes defence measures for individuals to use if accused of discrimination and provides remedies/solutions to cases of discrimination or human rights violations rather than trying to criminally punish offenders.

Alberta Human Rights Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter A-25.5. Current to December 8, 2021.

Further Readings

For more information on Alberta Human Rights:

For more information on the history of Alberta's Human Rights Associations:

For Alberta's First Human Rights Act (1966):

For the original 1972 Alberta Individual's Rights Protection Act:

Policy Type
Provincial Statute