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Pandemic Preparedness (COVID-19)

Auditor General Report: Securing PPE and Medical Devices

  • This is the Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the Parliament of Canada on the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical devices in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The audit highlights the flaws in the management of the National Emergency Strategic Stockpile and in the Public Health Agency, and how Health Canada and Public Services and Procurement Canada scrambled to meet the demand of PPE and medical devices.

Auditor General on Canada's Pandemic Preparedness

  • This is the Auditor General speaking with CBC on why Canada’s Public Health Agency (PHAC) was unprepared for the pandemic in five main areas: Health & Emergency Plans were not up-to-date, F/P/T Response Plan was never tested, surveillance and collection of health data had not been strengthened or touched upon in decades, the Risk Assessment Tool was not designed to properly assess the risks of a pandemic, and PHAC had no plan for implementing nation-level quarantine measures. 

Review of the Global Public Health Intelligence Network

  • This is the Public Health Agency of Canada's publication on the information regarding the independent review of the Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN) issued by the Minister of Health Patty Hajdu.
  • The review evaluates the capabilities and effectiveness of the network, how to improve the system, and how to implement the lessons learned from COVID-19 to be better prepared for future public health events.

F/P/T Public Health Response Plan for Ongoing Management of COVID-19

  • This document, which goes along with the Federal/Provincial/Territorial (FPT) Public Health Response Plan for Biological Events, is meant to be coordinated response plan for all levels of government, First Nations, Inuit and Metis partners, health care actors, and other stakeholders throughout the ongoing management of COVID-19 in Canada.
  • This document contains information on the goals of the COVID-19 response, forward planning, worst-case scenario planning, the r

Emergency Management Strategy for Canada

  • The Emergency Management Strategy for Canada: Toward a Resilient 2030 report was created to address the inevitability that emergencies have and will continue to place a social and economic burden on Canada.
  • This framework highlights the responsibilities of federal/provincial/territorial (FPT) governments and helps to guide FPT governments through prevention, preparation, response and recovery from an emergency

North American Plan for Animal and Pandemic Influenza

  • The North American Plan for Animal and Pandemic Influenza (NAPAPI) was a framework developed after the H1N1 pandemic in 2009 that was the first public health emergency that raised international concern.
  • It was developed in collaboration with the health, agriculture, security, and foreign affairs industries to protect against, control, and respond to animal and pandemic influenza in North America.