F/P/T Public Health Response Plan for Ongoing Management of COVID-19
- This document, which goes along with the Federal/Provincial/Territorial (FPT) Public Health Response Plan for Biological Events, is meant to be coordinated response plan for all levels of government, First Nations, Inuit and Metis partners, health care actors, and other stakeholders throughout the ongoing management of COVID-19 in Canada.
- This document contains information on the goals of the COVID-19 response, forward planning, worst-case scenario planning, the responsibilities of FPT governments, collaboration with Indigenous communities, managing high-risk populations, and more.
Canada. Public Health Agency of Canada. Federal/Provincial/Territorial Public Health Response Plan for Ongoing Management of COVID-19. Government of Canada, 2021. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/guidance-documents/federal-provincial-territorial-public-health-response-plan-ongoing-management-covid-19.html
Overlapping Topics
Federal/Provincial/Territorial Relations
Policy Sub-Topic
Policy Type
Multi-Level Government Report