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COVID-19 Response

Human Rights during a Pandemic

  • During wartime and national emergencies, certain human rights may need to be set aside temporarily when a nation is in a threatening situation as stated by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which was endorsed by Canada.
  • However, the suspension of rights must be temporary and are subject to several safeguards.
  • A national emergency such as a pandem

International Trade During COVID-19

  • Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian government had to implement measures to maintain stability for international trade and Canadian businesses.
  • This document outlines the financial supports in place to aid globally operating businesses, how Canada has maintained cooperation with our Asian-Pacific, G20, WTO, and international partners, and also how travel restrictions have impacted international business development activities.

Improving Trade Policy during COVID-19

  • This pronouncement addresses six areas where action can be taken regarding trade policy that will help support a prosperous recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Such actions include: increasing transparency of trade-related measures, opening up agriculture and agri-food production, prioritizing e-commerce, implementing the Trade Facilitation Agreement, increasing the preparedness for future health emergencies by ensuring WTO members are facilitating trade of medic

National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy in COVID-19

  • This article discusses the efforts of the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP), which is a network that supports the development of public policy by Canadian public health actors.
  • This article also highlights the NCCHPP's work pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic and their work to aid in the "build back better" efforts of various public health actors.

Auditor General Report: Pandemic Preparedness, Surveillance, and Border Control

  • This audit discusses the preparedness of the Public Health Agency of Canada prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and the effectiveness of the border control and quarantine measures made by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canada Border Services Agency.
  • This document reveals the how levels of government responded to the pandemic, how they successfully addressed the situation, where things went wrong, and areas for improvement/lessons learned to better address p

Auditor General Report: Pandemic Measures

  • This opening statement to the news conference made by the Auditor General of Canada, Karen Hogan, discusses an overview of a few reports (audits) conducted by her office, many of which deal with matters relating to COVID-19.
  • This statement speaks briefly upon the Investing in Canada Plan, the Canada Emergency Response Benefit, the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, and measures related to pandemic preparedness and response.

Bill C-19

  • This bill, which has been through it's second reading, would enact a new addition to the Canada Elections Act, which would implement temporary regulations to ensure an election that takes place during the COVID-19 pandemic is safe and follows proper public health measures.