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Residential Schools and Reconciliation (Indigenous Peoples)

The Residential School System

  • This publication by Parks Canada provides a background description of the Residential School System in Canada.
  • This document discusses the history behind Residential Schools including who ran the schools, the intended purpose of the schools, the brutal treatment that occurred, and what has come since the final school closed in 1996.

Federal Indian Day Schools Settlement

  • This is the policy pronouncement presented by The Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, Carolyn Bennett regarding the Federal Court approval of the Day Schools settlement, which came out of the McLean Class Action.
  • This settlement provides survivors with compensation for physical and sexual harms that occurred while at Federal Indian Day School, it also includes an investment of $200 million to help support the McLean Day Schools Settlement Corporation for Legac

Residential School Class Actions in Newfoundland and Labrador

  • This publication addresses the 5 class action lawsuits filed in 2007 and 2008 against the Canadian government over the residential schools in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Several Indigenous groups attended these schools, which were funded by the federal government, but run by the Newfoundland Government and operated by the International Grenfell Association and the Moravian Mission.

Hope for Wellness Line

  • The Hope for Wellness Help Line is a culturally sensitive and experience-led resource (both online and over the phone) for Indigenous peoples across the country who need support or who wish to talk.
  • This support system was implemented in 2016 in an effort to improve mental health supports for Indigenous communities and to ensure they have a place to feel safe and to seek out help if needed.