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Residential Schools and Reconciliation (Indigenous Peoples)

Highlights of the Final Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

  • This book contains a detailed overview on the main highlights from the Final Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP), which contains opinions, solutions, and issues-raised by the Canadian government.
  • This book contains a review of each volume of the original text, which there are five.
  • Some of the main topics include treaties, the economy, health, housing, M

Prime Minister Harper's Residential School Apology

  • This the official transcript of the apology made by Prime Minister Stephen Harper on behalf of Canadians and the Government of Canada for Residential School.
  • An informal (written) apology was made in January 1998 by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Jane Stewart. 
  • This was met with outrage by Indigenous peoples across the country, but Phil Fontaine, the N

Phil Fontaine's Address to the House of Commons (2008)

  • In 1990, Phil Fontaine, the former leader of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs came forward regarding the abuse faced during his time in residential schools and his advocacy led to more students speaking publicly.
  • Fontaine called upon the government and churches to acknowledge their responsibility in allowing decades of physical/sexual/psychological abuse to persist within the country.

The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Database

  • This is the official database on The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP), which was originally created in 1991 but the first report was published in October 1996.
  • This purpose of RCAP was to provide solutions for grievances between Indigenous peoples, the Canadian government, and society at large.
  • This database includes documents like intervenor project submissions, p