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The Brian Mulroney Institute of Government is home to an expanding team of dedicated research chairs working with fellows at StFX and other institutes across Canada and around the world.

Canada Research Chair in Health Equity and Social Justice, Fellow
Mila Mulroney Chair in Women, Policy, and Governance Leadership
Brian Mulroney Institute of Government Research Chair In Climate Science And Policy
Mila Mulroney Research Chair in Women and Politics
Steven K. Hudson Research Chair In Canada-US Relations
Mulroney Chair In Arctic And Maritime Security



The Brian Mulroney Institute of Government Fellows Program was established in 2019 to create a network of scholars at StFX whose research has implications for the conduct and implementation of public policy and/or issues relating to governance. The Mulroney Institute Fellows are recognized for their expertise in a range of disciplines and play a major role in enhancing the research capacity of the Institute. During their three-year appointment, each Fellow is provided with a stipend to support their program of research. Each Fellow also presents a public lecture and contributes to the Mulroney Papers in Public Policy and Governance series.

The call for applications to join the Fellows Program is sent to departments across the university, and all faculty members are strongly encouraged to apply. The Institute’s Internal Advisory Committee reviews application submissions and oversees the appointment of each class of Fellows.