This paper is the second edition of the Historical Development of the Indian Act, and the purpose of the paper is to give government officials and researchers a detailed, but not definitive account of history of the Indian Act.
The Foundation Document: Citizens Plus, also known as the Red Paper, which was document created by the Indian Chiefs of Alberta in 1970 in response to the White Paper proposed by the Liberal government.
The Statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy (1969), also known as The White Paper (which gets its name from being a policy presented by a white majority), was a policy paper presented by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and his Minister of Indian Affairs, Jean Chrétien.
The 1967 Hawthorn Report, also known as A Survey of the Contemporary Indians of Canada: Economic, Political, Educational Needs and Policies, was a report by Howard B.
The Indian Lands Act, which passed in 1860 created the office of the Chief Superintendent of Indian Affairs who would have control over Aboriginals and their land for the purpose of centralizing control over Aboriginal affairs.
This Act gave the legislature authority over Aborigi
The Crown Lands Protection Act (1839) was one of the first pieces of legislation in the Crown's efforts to "civilize" Indigenous peoples into colonial society.
This Act effectively made the government responsible for all Crown lands and Indian Reserves and prevented them from sel